Welcome to Chichester Rotary Club’s website. We are a member of Rotary International located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, USA. We meet every Wednesday at 7:00 AM at the Creekside Village Clubhouse in Ogden, PA.
December 22, 2024 – Rotary Christmas Party
We had a very joyful Rotary Christmas Party at Lia’s Catering at the Boothwyn Fire Company building. We would like to recognize Terry Sher as Rotarian of the Year for the 2024 calendar year. Thank you to all who showed up!

October 19, 2024 – Rotary Road Cleanup
We had a very successful road cleanup on Meetinghouse Road in Upper Chichester. Thank you to all who came out!

October 9, 2024 – Students of the Month
Congratulations to Chichester Rotary of the Month Students Naquaan Pope, Grady Whartnaby, Tamara Altayeb, and Dominic Ricco.

September 2024 – Flags for Heroes
Coming Soon.
May 9, 2024 – Rotary Golf Tournament
We had a very successful golf tournament raising money for scholarships for children in the Chichester School District. Congratulation to Team Toyota for winning the tournament!

January 21, 2024 – Ronald McDonald House
This past week, a group of Rotarians, led by club member and weekly volunteer Joan Irwin, bought and served dinner to the families at the Ronald McDonald House in Wilmington, Delaware. It was a great volunteer experience for all involved and we thank all who were in attendance.

January 3, 2024 – Lutheran Knolls Dinner
The Chichester Rotary Club purchased and served dinner for the seniors at the Lutheran Knolls Community.Thank you to all who helped out and to Lia’s Catering for providing the food.

January 3, 2024 – Rotary Induction
The Chichester Rotary Club inducted its newest member. Congratulations to Terry Sher.

December 20, 2023 – Rotary Induction
The Chichester Rotary Club inducted its newest members. Congratulations to John Gaspero and John Bush.

December 17, 2023 – Rotary Christmas Party
The Chichester Rotary Club celebrate its annual Christmas Party at Harry’s Savoy Grill. President Judy Stang gave a beautiful speech thanking each and every Rotary member as well as several Chichester School District officials who made our Students of the Month program possible. She also awarded Dr. George Ozer the prestigious Rotarian of the Year award for 2023 for his exemplary service and dedication to club and the community.

November 8, 2023 – Rotary Students of the Month
The Chichester Rotary Club honored the Students of the Month for both October and November. These students showed exemplary performance in their personal and professional lives, academia, and extracurricular activities. The students honored were Chase Small, Savannah Kirk, Briana Scott, and Jack Leisey.

September 20, 2023 – Monthly Food Drive
Volunteer Matthew Borderick loads food for distribution by the Trainer United Methodist Church. Chichester Rotary delivers food to local food banks on the third Wednesday of every month. Food can be dropped off at Ogden Supply Company on every third Wednesday and at Booth’s Corner Shoe Store every weekend.

September 11, 2023 – 9/11 Memorial Ceremony
On Monday morning, September 11, 2023, Chichester Rotary President Judy Stang gave a memorial speech for those lost during the horrible events that unfolded on September 11, 2001. Members and other attendees gave testimonies of where they were and what they were doing that horrible morning. Taps were played to honor those who were lost and those who gave their lives to save the lives of others on that day.

August 26, 2023 – Flags For Heroes Ceremony
Chichester Rotary and the American Legion Post 951 held our annual Flags For Heroes ceremony. The flags sponsored by members of our communities to honor those who have served both our community and our country throughout their lives. Photos and videos were provided by the Chichester High School Drone Team.

June 28, 2023 – Officer Inauguration
Chichester Rotary had their officer installation ceremony at the last morning meeting for June of 2023. Judy Stang was installed as our 2023-2024 President. Bob Wesolowski was installed as our 2023-2024 treasurer. Steve Moyer was installed as our 2023-2024 secretary. All positions were inducted by our own David Houtz, Rotary District Governor. We thank them all for their service to rotary in the Chichester community

June 23, 2023 – District Governor Inauguration
Our very own District Governor David Houtz (2022-2023) had the honor of installing our new District Governor Renee DeCoskey (2023-2024) for Rotary District 7450. We thank them both for their exemplary service to our fortunate district.

R.I.P. Gale Holger “Hogie” Hansen
March 7, 1937 – May 27, 2023
It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Hogie Hansen, who having finished his course, now rests from a life overflowing with love, friendship, and service. Hogie went on to eternal glory this morning at Whitehorse Center, surrounded in love by his wife Anne, and daughters Deb and Sarah.
Hogie met Anne at Earlham College, where he wooed her with his beautiful singing voice and charming smile. Thus began a 66 year courtship, including 62 years of marriage. In addition to Anne, Hogie is survived by his brother David, his sister Diane, three children: Peter (and Allison), Sarah (and John), and Deb (and Jim), and six grandchildren: Rachel, Michael, Katie (and Patrick), William Holger, Sam, and Emma.
A lifelong Methodist, Hogie endeavored to be ‘more perfect in love’ each day. He was a man of steadfast faithfulness with a heart of justice. Hogie heard his call to ministry when he was 12 years old. In his early 20s, he was ordained as a clergyman in the New York Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. For the rest of his life, he considered every job he had as a ministry of faithfulness and love to God and neighbor. He served under appointment at Great Hill UMC in Seymour CT, West Haven UMC, and Litchfield UCC. In addition to parish ministry, Hogie served the Christian Ministry of the National Park Service, Earlham College, Haverford College, and Swarthmore College.
Hogie was a pillar of Swarthmore UMC for many years. He and Anne were instrumental in the planning and creating of the SUMC Memorial Garden. At the recent Holy Saturday service in the Memorial Garden, Hogie recounted the history and stories of this sacred space. Hogie also held many leadership roles at SUMC, and faithfully sang in the SUMC Choir.
Music was a very special part of Hogie’s life. As Anne and I were planning the services today, we spoke about one of their favorite songs from the composer John Rutter. The lyrics of this song, called Eternal God, are so characteristic of Hogie’s generous spirit.
As we are blest, so may our gifts bless others:
May hearts be touched and spirits lifted up anew.
Let music draw together those who live as strangers
Bring joy to those we love, in thankfulness true.
Cards of comfort and support can be sent to: Anne Hansen, 535 Gradyville Road V-203, Newtown Square, PA 19073
With deepest gratitude for Hogie’s life,
Pastor Ali
Swarthmore United Methodist Church
May 29, 2023 – Roger Gibbons Park
Upper Chichester Township partnered with the Chichester Rotary Club, the American Legion Post 951, and the Upper Chichester Heart and Soul Committee to hold a Memorial Day Service at Roger Gibbons Park. The American Legion Post 951 lead the ceremony along with soloist Florence Moyer and trumpeter Bill Magraw.

2023 Golf Outing Information
The weather was challenging at our Spring Golf Tournament on May 3rd at the Wyncote Country Club, but the participants were undeterred and the event was a huge success.

December 28, 2022 – Lutheran Knolls
This year we were fortunate to be able to deliver over 140 meals to residents of Lutheran Knolls. Thank you to our Rotarians who were able to make it and to the residents of Lutheran Knolls that were able to help distribute the meals.

May 4, 2022 – 15th Chichester Rotary Golf Outing
Enjoy a round of golf at Wyncote Golf Club in Oxford, PA. Proceeds from the event go toward funding our six $1,000 Chichester High School Scholarships and other local programs. 2022 Chichester Rotary Golf Flyer
From July through September 14, 2021 we are raising money through a program called Flags for Heroes. For $50 you can sponsor a flag in the name of your Hero and it will be displayed in the Chichester Community. Heroes can include, but are not limited to, Military service members and veterans, Police, Fire, EMS, and other First Responders. Last year we displayed 75 flags in front of the Chichester High School. Flags displayed will also include your Hero’s name. Please see the following link for details. Flags for Heroes 2021